Traditional Medicinals Pau D'Arco Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6)
Buy cheap Traditional Medicinals Pau D'Arco Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6). Most comprehensive list of Traditional Medicinals Pau D'Arco Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6), Cowmooflage pricing, specifications, accessories, and reviews.
Traditional Medicinals Pau D'Arco Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6)
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Traditional Medicinals Pau D'Arco Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6) Feature
- Case of six boxes, each box containing 16 sealed tea bags (96 total tea bags)
- A Traditional South American Herbal Tea
- Kosher Certified
- The highest quality, pharmacopoeial grade herbs
- Traditional Medicinals®, founded in 1974 - a socially responsible, employee owned, solar powered tea company.
Traditional Medicinals Pau D'Arco Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6) Overview
Pau d'Arco has been used by shaman in Brazil for at least a thousand years. Its use gradually spread to other parts of South America and beyond. Kallawaya tribal healers of Bolivia and Brazil call this bark tea tajibo. In Peru a tea made from the inner bark, known as tarota, is used by tribal healers of the Asháninka, campas and Inca tribes. Pau d'Arco tea is also used traditionally by the Huastec Mayan people of Mexico. Modern researchers have largely focused on isolated constituents of Pau d'Arco, particularly its naphthoquinones including lapachol and anthraquinones including tabebuin, though the combined action of all of its constituents in simple dosage forms like hot tea have proven superior to the actions of any isolated chemicals.